This IS a compilation OF all MY facts that I have FOUND on LOST!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

THERE are no TWINS!!

I have made MY biggest MOST important discovery EVER!! I could JOIN the DOG Shooby Doo and Shagger and the REST of the Mystery GANG to uncover MORE secrets!! The OTHER day I was talking ABOUT the FACT that LOCK had a TWIN, but I now KNOW better!! It is NOT so much that there ARE twins, but instead I have discovered THAT we are DEALING with ALTERNATE realities!! For example:

- In one DIMENSION LOCK had his eyes ALWAYS closed, in the OTHER he has them OPEN
- In ONE dimension Lock was AT the funeral, at the OTHER he was NOT!! We know that he WAS at the funeral AT one dimension because THERE was a picture!! (See one of my PREVIOUS posts for the PICTURE) Yet WHEN charles TALKES to LOCK, he SAID "Oh that's IRGHT, you weren't there FOR the dramatic ARRIVAL at the funeral"!!
- NEW DISCOVERY!! When the SEASON begins, the first THING we see is DESMIND pushing in THE numbers!! After he PRESSES execute, we HEAR a BEEP!! This is THE other, RARELY seen DIMENSION then!! Because AT other TIMES (at tHE most seen DIMENSION), we never HEAR a beep after EX4CUTE is pressed!!

This can GO on, because all of the WEIRD things I have FOUND can FIT in with this THEORY!! I have SOLVED the BIGGEST mystery OF LOST!!

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