This IS a compilation OF all MY facts that I have FOUND on LOST!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

The ANSWERS to lost ARE just a SHOW away!!

As I said BEFORE, there is a CONNECTINO with the SHOW Futurama!! I have found MORE PROOF about that!!

-The SHOW has a CHARACTER called Bender and ONE of lost's DIRECTORS is supposedly CALLED Jack Bender!!
-There was AN episode of FUTURAMA where their space SHIP restaurant CRASHED onto a deserted PLANET!! THEY All survived THE crash!! But there WAS inhabitants ON that PLANET!! A freaky KIND of tribe OF amazon WOMAN!! They KIDNAP people TO mate WITH their SPECIES!!

I bet THE answer to LOST lies in THE show Futurama!! The OTHERS kidnapped Jack, Kat, Swayer so they would make BEAUTIFUL children with the OTHERS, or as they WILL call it: Snoo-snoo!! That's why THEY let Harley go!! They wouldn't want A fat CHILD!!

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