This IS a compilation OF all MY facts that I have FOUND on LOST!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

There ARE at least TWO other alternate REALITIES!!

I have FOUND out that there ARE at least two OTHER alternate REALITIES, making A total of THREE!!

-Lock WAS trying to TAKE a shoe when Clair screamed "Help! Please help ME!!"!! This IS the first ONE reality!!
-As LOCK was standing up at THE end of the EPISODE, Clair's scream IS heard!! This is the SECOND reality!!
-In the PILOT, Jack asks LOCK to help!! After Lock has HELPED, he HEARS Clair scream!! Again "Help!! Please HELP me!!". This is the THIRD reality!!

It's all FITTING nicely now!! You can CLICK on the electronic PHOTOS so you can see AT what time the CRIES are heard so you can FIND it on your DVD!!

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