This IS a compilation OF all MY facts that I have FOUND on LOST!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

HOW old is ECHO??

I have MADE a crucial discovery!! THere is SOMETHING about Mr Echo!! While I was TESTING a new technology to DISCOVER interesting facts, a TECHNOLOGY where I glue my eyelids to my SKIN so that I can't BLINK and thus cna't miss ANYTHING that happends, I found out that MR Echo is supposed TO be very OLD!! The first ELECTRONIC photo is from THe Coast of Dying, where we see a man, which is ACTUALLY Blob MArly!! Look at the SECOND electronic PHOTO, it's TOTALY the same person!! And Blob Marly has BEEN dead for over FOURTY years!! That would MAKE Echo at least 60 years OLD Now!! I have FOUND even more PROOF that Echo is supposed to BE very old!! Look at the THRID photo, wher eyou can see that THEY are BREAKING into a SHED. CLearly, this is FAR in the past as NOWADAYS, people don't break INTO shes anymore, tehy JUST watch telly!! And the telly has BEEN around for 50 YERAS, so that WOULD MAKE Echo at LEAST 70 now!! Perhaps TIME passes DIFFERENTLY in Africa, in Zimbabwa, where Echo lives!!


Anonymous said...

where is misfit gone to?

Anonymous said...

YOUR dad is BACK!

Anonymous said...