This IS a compilation OF all MY facts that I have FOUND on LOST!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What is Santie CLAUSE doing inside the MONSTER!!

Once again, I am DAZZLED by my OWN DISCOVERIES!! I just found out that THERE are images of SANTIE Clause inside the SMOKE monster!! The FACES were SHOWN in the episode Exorcist Part II!! I then USED my INCREDIBLE Abloke photostore techniques TO trace the FACES in the smoke!! The MINDBLOWING result is at the BOTTOMM!! You can CLEARLY see SANTIE Clause twice, with an ELF in the middle!! I feel LIKE Napoleon Dynamite, the GUY who DISCOVERED England in 1978!! Now I've got TO go to SLEEP As my MUM wants to HAVE fun and GO to BED with some BLOKE she met this EVENING!!

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